Faqs By Delivery

Does your store deliver sex toys in Mumbai and other cities in India as well?

Yes, we deliver our sex toys to Mumbai and all other cities in India. You can be anywhere, be it in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad or any other city in India, and place an order at our store. We will take 2 to 3 business days in delivering the product at your doorstep. All that needs to be done is to provide the correct address and the delivery will be shipped on time. Since we ship through DTDC, the order will be shipped to your address.

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Will my delivery be done in a discreet manner?

Whatever is the product, we guarantee to deliver it in a standard box with minimal details. These details include the name of the customer and the address. Nothing else would be mentioned on the package. This is done to ensure privacy for the customer and that no one comes to know about the package. We maintain this discreet policy to sustain trust and confidentiality among our customers. Hence, there is no question when it comes to assuring secrecy.

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Do you deliver products everywhere in India?

Our online store delivers products all over India. We accept orders from all cities across the country and even from remote corners. Apart from receiving maximum orders from Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi, we get order requests from cities like Ahmedabad, Noida, Nagpur, Ghaziabad, Bangalore, Amritsar, Thane and more. In other words, we take orders from almost every city. It is through DTDC that we ship out products to every nook and corner of India.

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